This Made a Difference In How I Write And How I Feel When I Write

And maybe you should try it too. Super brief reading of a funny fact i wanted to share as much as I could.

Javier Z.
2 min readJan 7, 2021
This is the beginning of the Chapter I worked on (my handwriting looks disturbed because my ideas were flooding my mind)

I seriously hope this comment reaches the writer that needs it.

All honesty, had I known better, I would have had more written content right now.

Below a brief and special message:

To Anyone reading and with the same feeling I had* of **having the head full of ideas but couldn’t get myself to write** *because whatever reason* (mine is because I can’t smoke in my room and I stream while I write and I can’t stream downstairs (where I can smoke)。

To each it’s own, I guess.

Anyway, decided to try writing in my notebook just for the sake of it.

Just a random idea appearing out of nowhere beyond the fact of perhaps seeing the notebook laying in the bar that was in front of me.


What did it ? TO HANDWRITE and stop writing with a digital device or machine.

It was like when you’re a child and the person living with you goes away for a long time and finally comes back home.

Seriously, I suggest you try this.

Go back to basics just to the way you learnt to write and for me, it brought the very same inspiration that same kid, struggling yet wanting so deeply to express the noise in his mind as words, willing to feel understood, had.

And it feels so awesomely great.

Wrote 9 pages today and did it only during my free time and WOW




Javier Z.

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